Wacker Fuflex4 120V Converter Component
Converter component for IRFUflex, the modular premium class internal vibrator with integrated frequency converter. With integrated personal protection switch (Bodyguard®). This converter component can be combined with four different sizes of vibrator head components IRflex (head diameter 1.18″ – 2.28″ / 30 – 58 mm)
This converter component can be combined with four different sizes of vibrator head components IRflex (head diameter 1.18″ – 2.28″ / 30 – 58 mm)
Integrated frequency converter, therefore two pieces of equipment in one for convenient handling and compensation for fluctuating input voltages. No external converter required.
Power cable outfitted with Bodyguard® (shutdown of the equipment in cases of emergency within 3 msec.) to protect the operator from electric shock if the electric power supply is insufficiently secured.
Quick exchange of vibrator heads. Just one screw to loosen and the coupling can be disconnected.
Complete potted electronic components for a long service life
To operate the FUflex a IRflex (vibrator head component) is needed. You will also find a large selection of vibrator heads with or without rubber cap and with different hose lengths.