MarCum M3L LiFePO4 Flasher System
The M3L is still built on the foundation of MarCum’s very first sonar. A workhorse of the lineup, the M3L exhibits many of MarCum’s patented features such as moveable zoom anywhere in the water column – a key angler advantage that put Marcum on the map. MarCums for the past two decades have been sought after for moveable zoom alone, as it’s this patented feature that forever changed the icescape. With the ability to move through zoom anywhere in the water column, the unit excels for both bottom dwellers such as walleye, to suspending fish like bluegill, crappie, and lake trout. Crosstalk between flashers exists when multiple units are in close proximity, and the Marcum’s noise-cancelling interference rejection system is so good at removing that clutter, it’s patented. This is true for sonar systems in the 2,000kHz band, as well as other frequencies, covering all bases on ice. The M3L packs 2,000 watts of peak-to-peak power through a whisper-quiet and maintenance-free brushless motor, all while displaying max-brightness and clarity via the MBC TrueColor targets.
TrueColor patented MBC Brushless Lighting
8′ – 20 Degree Ice Transducer with 2000-Watt Peak to Peak Output Power and target seperation down to 1-inch
Patented 12-Step Interference Rejection
Patented Infinitely Adjustable Zoom (Zoom anywhere throughout in the water column)
Comes Standard with the MarCum BRUTE Lithium LiFePO4 12V10amp battery and 3amp rapid Charger