Forney 221 AC/DC TIG Welder Amptrol Package
The Forney 220 AC/DC TIG welder is an ideal TIG machine for a wide variety of users. Perfect for beginners to professionals, this powerful machine features dual-voltage with 120V/230V input power. The ability to weld up to 1/2” and 220 AMPs of welding power makes this machine a great tool for professionals. The intuitive controls allow for quick set-up and simple operation. This machine features amperage control settings as low as 5 AMPs, features pulse capabilities and allows users to weld with low frequency. What’s more, the ability to use AC and DC power makes welding anything from mild steel to aluminum a breeze!
Welds up to 1/2″ (12 7mm) Mild Steel with up to 220 AMPs of welding power Output power for Stick welding is 120V 40% at 85A and 230V 35% at 200A TIG welding output power 120V 40% at 130A and 230V 35% at 220A
SMAW (Stick) and GTAW – AC/DC -P (TIG/Pulsed TIG)
Equipped with dual-voltage 120V/230V input power and adapter
220 AC/DC Welder can provide a Stable Arc at 5-AMP’s pulse welding high frequency starts ability to turn off high frequency TIG torch/hand Amptrol combination dual-voltage and digital gauge Backed by a 3-year